Haha! Just a little exciting!! It was sad saying goodbye to my Mom this morning... Last night we watched the "Lost" season finale (so good)... And we also sang "Happy Birthday" to her since we are missing her birthday this upcoming Sunday. I thought it would be nice to make her a cake. Unfortunately, it came out terrible... I couldn't spread the frosting it kept falling apart! My Dad called it "cute"! So I tried to decorate it but I might have made it worse! Then my mom added a line of "flowers" but it ended up looking like it says "iMom"!! It's the thought that counts right!

Well you will be hearing updates soon!!
--> Stephanie
**Posting from my iPhone**
Glad to hear you guys made it to Harrisburg safe and sound :) I know you two are going to have a blast. As for the cake for your mom - it's the thought that counts! I've done that quite a few times ;)