It's hard to believe that this is the sixth month of our Boys Behind the Blog link up! I remember how excited Mallory and I were when our idea went live and nervous no one was going to link up with us. Now it is my favorite post of the month and it seems like you are all having fun with it too.
New to The Boys Behind the Blog? It is a monthly linkup featuring your husband/fiance/boyfriend/best guy friend/dad/brother/grandpa! Here's how it works: we post the
questions on the 1st Thursday of the month (today), you ask your man to answer 5
easy questions and then link up with us on the 3rd Thursday of the month (November 21st).
The Boys Behind the Blog #6 Questions:
1. Who is your favorite band/musician?
2. What was your first CD/tape?
3. Who was your first concert?
4. What is your favorite Thanksgiving food?
5. Finish the sentence: I am thankful for...
Have fun and don't forget to link up with us on Thursday, November 21st @ 6am EST.
You can find all the previous Boys Behind the Blog posts here.
You can find all the previous Boys Behind the Blog posts here.

<div align="center"><a href="" title="Never The Same Spice Twice"><img src="" alt="Never The Same Spice Twice" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
YAY!! I can't wait for BHB!! It's so much fun!!