Woah, FOUR whole months (and then some)! She just melts my heart completely! Those lashes are to die for! Unfortunately I can't say she gets them from me. This little Daddy's girl has some of his best features for sure! I still can't tell exactly who she looks like though! Everyone tells us different things. Maybe she is just a complete combination?
This past month has been glorious!!! She is so happy and smiley, I literally have to pinch myself sometimes. There's such an incredible difference from the first three months!

This little chunk weighs somewhere close to 14 pounds according to our estimation. We'll find out for sure at our next visit to the Pediatrician on the 21st. It's been fun watching her cheeks and thighs plump up over the last few weeks. A lot of her three month clothes are too small and she is starting to get into six already!
The previously dreaded bath time has now become one of our favorite times! We were able to take the insert out of her tub so now she can kick her feet.

Now she is really grabbing at toys and starting to "play". Most toys get shoved directly into her mouth obviously. She especially loves her crinkle toys and some of her teething toys. She also likes to bite on her burp cloths. I used to do the same thing when I was little. I had a burp cloth that was my little lovie, and I called it my "nawnie" (weird).
She also sits nice in her bumbo seat for short periods of time, and likes to play in her jumparoo - although there isn't much jumping yet, just slight bouncing.

Ella has definitely found her voice over the past few weeks. Babbling, cooing, screaming, screetching...I could listen to it all day! She is very talkative in the mornings and late at night. Sometimes she screams in such a way she sounds like a pterodactyl! It's cute how she enjoys hearing herself...you could tell she is very proud! Stephen and I were laughing this morning because it totally sounded like she was asking questions. We were like "it went up at the end"! Things are sure entertaining around our house (at least we think so). Here is a video of our little chatty girl from about a week ago...
(I can't embed it...YouTube is being weird and I don't feel like battling it)
No rolling yet but she can hold her self up on her tummy for a pretty long time. This used to upset her tremendously and now she doesn't seem to mind a bit.
This past month has been glorious!!! She is so happy and smiley, I literally have to pinch myself sometimes. There's such an incredible difference from the first three months!

This little chunk weighs somewhere close to 14 pounds according to our estimation. We'll find out for sure at our next visit to the Pediatrician on the 21st. It's been fun watching her cheeks and thighs plump up over the last few weeks. A lot of her three month clothes are too small and she is starting to get into six already!
The previously dreaded bath time has now become one of our favorite times! We were able to take the insert out of her tub so now she can kick her feet.

Now she is really grabbing at toys and starting to "play". Most toys get shoved directly into her mouth obviously. She especially loves her crinkle toys and some of her teething toys. She also likes to bite on her burp cloths. I used to do the same thing when I was little. I had a burp cloth that was my little lovie, and I called it my "nawnie" (weird).
She also sits nice in her bumbo seat for short periods of time, and likes to play in her jumparoo - although there isn't much jumping yet, just slight bouncing.

Ella has definitely found her voice over the past few weeks. Babbling, cooing, screaming, screetching...I could listen to it all day! She is very talkative in the mornings and late at night. Sometimes she screams in such a way she sounds like a pterodactyl! It's cute how she enjoys hearing herself...you could tell she is very proud! Stephen and I were laughing this morning because it totally sounded like she was asking questions. We were like "it went up at the end"! Things are sure entertaining around our house (at least we think so). Here is a video of our little chatty girl from about a week ago...
(I can't embed it...YouTube is being weird and I don't feel like battling it)
No rolling yet but she can hold her self up on her tummy for a pretty long time. This used to upset her tremendously and now she doesn't seem to mind a bit.
I also have an AMAZING app on my iPAD called Baby View (the paid version, so worth it) I recommend it highly! Ella LOVES playing the different activities. I can't get over how interactive she is already at four months! Look at me bragging about my child already! How great is technology? Mind blown...
We just started giving her a little oatmeal about once a day. It took around 2 days for her to get acclimated to eating from a spoon, but now she is a pro and opens her mouth wide. Such a mess!
Her sleeping habits are still completely out of wack. For the most part I can't complain because our days of being up all night are extremely rare (although we did have a tough one last night). Most nights we put her down anywhere between 10 and 11. She generally wakes up once around 2 AM, I nurse her for about a half hour and put her back down. We get up really early so I can get her to the sitter by 7, and then she still takes a 3-4 hour nap once she gets there. I bet we could start bumping her bed time to be a little bit earlier, we just haven't gotten there yet.
Even though she is happy most of the time, of course she has her moments - and when she does...watch out! Since she has started teething, it's been pretty awful. She goes through these episodes where she is inconsolable and just wants to bite on everything. I feel so terrible for her it's obvious she's in a lot of pain. My poor baby girl is just so miserable and I just feel so helpless. I'm thinking that's what her problem was last night when she was waking up every hour. We are going to try the Hyland's Teething Tablets. If you have any other suggestions please let me know (she already has a Sophie).
Basically I'm willing to try anything to keep this little love smiling always! Can you tell she has Daddy and I wrapped around her cute chubby little fingers?
I would pay for those lashes! She's getting cuter and cuter with each month (we all knew she would). I love when babies start babbling and getting vocal. It just warms my heart.
ReplyDeleteJacob has found his voice too! He was screetching and talking a bunch last night! I'll have to check out that app. DH has him using a drawing app so he just touches it and makes random lines with it.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! How has it seriously already been four months??? She is adorable!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh! She is so cute!!! I love her eyelashes!
ReplyDeleteShe's so precious!!
ReplyDeleteshe is getting so big! Those eyelashes, and that smile, my heart is just melted!
ReplyDeleteThose eyelashes are incredible!
ReplyDeleteShe is too cute! Love her smiles and big eyes!