This "five and a half - pounder" is the size of a large cantaloupe or a butternut squash. Some people like to tell me she has "dropped", and others comment on how she is still so high. I just can't figure it out!
I feel pretty good but moving around is really tough. If I sit too long I need to get up, and if I am standing too long I need to sit. At work I've been sitting and staring at the computer while working on scheduling all day for the past 2 weeks now. I've been trying to get up to stretch and move around as much as possible. The discomfort factor is pretty high but I'm pretty used to it at this point. Staying as active as I can has been helping a bit. In yesterday's post I talked about my click HERE if you haven't read it yet! So far I've gained 29 pounds, this is pretty much where I wanted to be at this point. Tomorrow I will be meeting with my Doctor, I wonder if he will be as pleased as I am. During the day I'm starving, and grazing all day night I'm really not that hungry. Luckily, I haven't really experienced any nausea this past week! When the peanut moves around in there and makes these funny shapes I get the tiniest bit queasy. It's nothing I can't handle, and feels weird more than anything. Last night I captured a picture of one of her favorite new positions!
This is the first week that I am starting to think about the actual possibility that it can happen at any time! Yes I know that it's still early and there is only a very small chance I'd go into labor now, but my sister-in-law had her son at EXACTLY this point (and it was her first). I'm on very high alert. My hospital bag is semi-packed...Baby Girl's is basically ready to go though! Car seats are installed, all of the laundry we would possibly need within the first month is neatly folded, we have what seems like a years supply of diapers (I'm sure they will be gone within 3 weeks), and the bottles are ready for sterilization! They say you are never completely "ready", but we are close and getting closer every day!
Who wants to see a little sneak peek of the nursery?!? This past weekend Hubs and I were in there moving things around (again), and trying to get organized. They say it gets worse before it gets better! Here are some photos of the "during" process. It's still very much a work in progress, but now you can at least get an idea of what's going on in there!
You get the picture! Our lucky little lady sure has a LOT of stuff! We are trying to find a home for's coming along! Can't wait to show you all the finished product!