
Saturday, February 8, 2014

These Are My Confessions

Confession time! Despite what some of you may think...I do mess up in the meal department from time to time! There have been some nights here and there where I've said to Hubs "they can't all be winners". I've been known to do the following:
-Leave ingredients off of my shopping list
-Over or undercook (usually over)
-Use too much or too little seasoning
-Let "eyeballing" get the best of me
-Misjudge and mistakenly cook for a small army
-Get carried away when adding my own flair
-Not leave myself enough time and end up eating dinner at 8
-Try a recipe that is a total DUD

Who's with me? Beuller...? This past week happened to be one of those imperfect weeks. I forgot the beef broth for the French Dip Sandwiches AND I forgot the tomato sauce for the Picadillo! In addition to forgetting ingredients - I completely messed up the Spicy Shrimp Soup somehow. Spice doesn't normally get to me but this soup was SO spicy that Hubs and I could barely tolerate it. We tried crumbling tortillas in it in the hopes they would tone down the spice a bit - to no avail. Basically we ended up having tortillas for dinner with a side of fire soup!

After searching Pinterest cooking fails for the past 20 minutes, I feel much better about my week of food related disasters! Here is one that made me literally LOL:
Incidentally, I read this awesome article that was shared on HelloGiggles the other day:

I'm sure we can all relate to some of them. No joke, I've made all of these mistakes more often than I'd like to admit. It happens...just order a pizza and better luck next time! I'm going to be extra careful when I make the list tomorrow for the upcoming week. I need to redeem myself! Luckily I've never made anything that tasted like feet. At least I hope not!!!
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Check out my lovely 'Savory' Sponsor:


  1. I love that Friends episode! Hope next week is better for you!

  2. I love that Cookie Monster photo-- it reminds me of when I bake (attempt to). I try to stick to what I know but I will admit to the occasional cooking fail.. usually it's me that doesn't like the dish more than Rob because he will eat anything!

  3. That's hilarious! We definitely all have our kitchen fails. I tried to make a vegan meatloaf (sounds terrible right? It is). And I decided to make enough to freeze one for a meal later haha. (cooking for an army? probably). Friends is my favorite though and I love that you included that scene! I usually go for the pizza. I love pizza. Too much!

  4. Haha, I constantly mess up things by "eyeballing." Oh well, part of the fun of cooking is just figuring it out.


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