Living in the moment is so NOT a strength of mine. I talked about this a little bit while I was pregnant. Obviously during that time I was super anxious for Ella to get here. Naturally, I was looking forward to seeing my little girl as much as I tried not to rush things. Now that she is here, all I truly want is for time to slow down. It's cliché, I know. Time is just whizzing on by! Reality hit me as I was sorting through all of her new NINE month clothes and packing up all of the things that don't fit her anymore. She suddenly looks so big to me. Her photos from her first few months are so drastically different! Our girl is growing so fast, and hitting new milestones every day!
How could I become a more mindful person? I'm working on it believe me! A while back I read this article about enjoying every moment as a new mom. Actually it was right before I went back to work. The timing was interesting because I was feeling SO conflicted between working mommy guilt and the fact that in a sense I spent a majority of my maternity leave hoping time would hurry up. What!?! That's crazy....I know, but hear me out. Basically I was anxious to get past the rough patch and to that magical three month mark that everyone kept telling me about. For some reason this article stuck with me. The entire concept of mindfulness intrigues me and it is something that I'd like to work at.
I want to be sure I am soaking in every second and enjoying each moment to the absolute fullest! Now I know that I can't slow down time, but I'm on a mission to be more present each and every day. Even during the moments when things are tough and you realize there are certain aspects of motherhood that aren't exactly how you imagined...the crying fits, teething, yucky sickness...I want to remember it ALL and not wish for "better" days ahead. This isn't easy for me. I'm sort of the queen of the countdown! At any given moment I could usually tell you how many days left until the next vacation or the next family visit. I suppose there is nothing wrong about having things to look forward to. For me, there is a fine line between looking forward to something....and wishing the days would hurry up and pass by so I could get to that next big moment.
When I look at how much Ella's little face changes in just one month's time it simply makes me not want to live moment to moment like I usually tend to do. The in-between, everyday ordinary stuff is worth savoring too!!! Last night I was thinking about this quote that I had saved on my phone for a few months just as I was hugging my little one tight....